Helsinki Metal Meeting/Finnish Metal Expo
February 19, 2011
Performed at Kaapelitehdas in Helsinki, Finland

Set List
Masked Ball
Con Clavi Con Dio
Death Knell
Satan Prayer
Stand by Him
Prime Mover
No YouTube videos are currently available for this ritual
One of the last guests confirmed in the line up, Ghost brought their ministry to the Helsinki Metal Meeting[1]. Attendees of the festival were blessed with the live debut of Satan Prayer and Stand by Him.[2]
“Onstage, the Satanic Pope/priest stands amongst ski-masked musicos in black hooded Inquisition robes. The stage is filled with smoke, including the main figures church relic. As a black mass, the visuals are an important part of the whole show, comprised of a virtual straight play-through of their Opus Eponymous. Not sure how long it will last in the digital age, but the mystique is something odd for most these days.” -Mark Gromen[3]
- [1]Metal Shock Finland, Helsinki Metal Meeting in February 2011 - Program Ready
- [2]
- Brave Words, Helsinki Metal Meeting - Bundle in the Tundra by Mark Gromen
Further Reading
Brave Words, Helsinki Metal Meeting - Kvelertak, Ghost Complete Line-Up
Brave Words, Helsinki Metal Meeting - Ice Cold Steel! by Mark Gromen
All Metal Fest, Finnish Metal Expo 2011 Festival Review by Amelie Lund (via
Eurynome Photos, Ghost Finnish Metal Expo, Helsinki 19.2.2011 by Tina Solda